Accueil / Comptes rendus / LED by SCAR TREATMENT and PRP - FERLAUD MD


The wound healing congress Marrakech under the Aegis Pr Boukind was a success.

Some members of our association illustrate LedAcademy session with beautiful clinical cases. How use photobiomodulation as heart of our daily practice. Scarring is a pivotal care in many areas (that they are surgical or medical ones)


Professor Chekkoury stands the stage drawing physiopathology of scarring.


Surgeon insight can cross that of the physician. Subject following readings: Dr Faouzia Benkraba, Dr. Karim Abdi.


Dr. Christian Ferlaud, plastic surgeon, then improves synergy of tissue regeneration during the healing provided by the photobiomodulation and injections of platelet-rich plasma.


It also calls for optimizing rejuvenation as we watch Dr. Linda Fouque Monaco in April (Refer Monaco report).

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Dans rubrique Compte rendu: Présentation du wébinaire: La prise en charge des MYCOSES UNGUEALES PODALES par M. ALLEGRINI - Journées Form Led Academy Nice 2023: Cycle pilaire" Un dialogue quantique" Dr Pelletier - Les Led Home Devices en 2023: Dr Michèle PELLETIER - La Cicatrisation Photonique et ses avancées Dr PELLETIER - Les principales indications de la PHOTOBIOMODULATION : Dr Dalila OUALI