Accueil / Protocoles / STRECTCH MARKS AND PHOTOBIOMODUALTION LED - Similar to a "scar" a special one, they can benefit from PBM LED - Monique ROYER MD

STRECTCH MARKS AND PHOTOBIOMODUALTION LED - Similar to a "scar" a special one, they can benefit from PBM LED - Monique ROYER MD

 Stretch marks and Photobiomodulation  Led


The treatment of stretch marks is multiple and complex.


It has many protocols that are not always satisfying.
Similar to a "scar" a special one, they can benefit from PBM Led


Used alone, low level light may be of interest to erase fresh pink or red stechmarks.They just appear: in this case results are good.

As against, very old, they require other protocols involving of other energy sources such as radiofrequency or chemical techniques .That can abrade the surface (peeling glycolic acid, trichloroacetic acid peels).
These methods aim to revive aging ones .Combining stretch marks illumination LED for; they can lead to an improvement of 40 to 50% or more in some cases.


We do not benefit from randomized trials.


Presentation Dr. Monique Royer (Dermatologist in Toulouse) in AMME Congress (Arcachon-France). Shows us multiple opportunities that may open up numerous avenues of work.


The main wavelengths used alone or in combination are 590nm, 630nm, 830nm


* Also refer to
Stretch marks clinical cases Treatment Dr. Suzanne Hausdörfer

Combined protocols led and radiofrequency for Stretchmark treatment....Dr Blanchemaison and al Prime magazine (Posted on the website)*


Interest of a new treatment of stretch marks by exposure to monochromatic light sources.  S. Boisnic; M.C. Branchet; L.Bénichou (Journal de Médecine Esthétique et Chirurgie Dermatologique, Volume XXXIII-N°131 septembre 2006)


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