Accueil / Publications / Early cases of acute infectious respiratory syndrome treated with photobiomodulation, diagnosis and intervention: Dr Michèle PELLETIER - Yvona ZIVIC (MSc)

Early cases of acute infectious respiratory syndrome treated with photobiomodulation, diagnosis and intervention: Dr Michèle PELLETIER - Yvona ZIVIC (MSc)

(First published: 15 March 2021)

 Early cases of acute infectious respiratory syndrome treated with photobiomodulation, diagnosis and intervention: Two case reports  - Clinical Case Reports - Wiley Online Library 

Dr Michèle PELLETIER -  Yvona ZIVIC (MSc)

PBMT using 630 + 660 nm wavelengths transcutaneously at 7 cm above chest area irradiating lungs and heart regions of patients with acute, infectious respiratory syndrome alleviated their respiratory symptoms, mitigated pulmonary inflammation and hypoxia. PBMT could prevent more severe respiratory distress requiring emergency care and reduce the strain on healthcare. This case report's clinical experience can be the basis of future research evaluating oxygen saturation levels pre‐ and post‐PBMT.

A worldwide outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome emerged in 2019 and developed in a pandemic of COVID‐19. This respiratory βeta‐coronavirus is characterized by the severity of its complications, that is acute pulmonary inflammation, pneumonia, lung fibrosis and organ dysfunction, ultimately inducing fatality. Scientists worldwide have focused on finding medication and vaccine for fighting the viral disease, yet its high transmission and mutagenicity renders international efforts challenging. Drugs may also not be the only approach. Previous animal studies on pulmonary infectious diseases and a recent case report of a COVID‐19 patient with comorbidities demonstrated the mitigation of inflammatory processes addressed with Infrared Photobiomodulation therapy (IR‐PBMT).............

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