Accueil / Comptes rendus / 35th National Congress of Aesthetic Medicine and Dermatological Surgery Paris, September 12 & 13, 2014 - Stretch marks and Scars - Suzanne HAUSDORFER MD

35th National Congress of Aesthetic Medicine and Dermatological Surgery Paris, September 12 & 13, 2014 - Stretch marks and Scars - Suzanne HAUSDORFER MD




gives us here a very interesting reflection about  thermal effect  induced by  infrared  fractional ablative laser (1550nm)  and photobiomodulation Led in the red and infrared (633 / 850nm) on  same type of scarring and / or stretch mark




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Dans rubrique Compte rendu: Présentation du wébinaire: La prise en charge des MYCOSES UNGUEALES PODALES par M. ALLEGRINI - Journées Form Led Academy Nice 2023: Cycle pilaire" Un dialogue quantique" Dr Pelletier - Les Led Home Devices en 2023: Dr Michèle PELLETIER - La Cicatrisation Photonique et ses avancées Dr PELLETIER - Les principales indications de la PHOTOBIOMODULATION : Dr Dalila OUALI