Accueil / Cours / En complément présentation ZOOM: Observation by VivaScope In Vivo Confocal Microscopy of Phototherapy Effect on Skin Tan and Rejuvenation

En complément présentation ZOOM: Observation by VivaScope In Vivo Confocal Microscopy of Phototherapy Effect on Skin Tan and Rejuvenation

En rapport avec la présentation ZOOM des 8 et 9 octobre  2020 du Dr HAUSDORFER



Light-Emitting Diode (LED) is a non thermal, noninvasive treatment that interacts with mitochondria and several cellular mechanisms such as the increase of
ATP production and cell synthesis.
In this study we investigated the whitening and rejuvenating effect of LED using LED TRIWINGS® which emits two specific wavelengths (590nm and 630nm)
on a pigmented skin lesion. The effects were mainly observed by in vivo confocal microscopy.



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