Accueil / Comptes rendus / SFME 2014 - PHOTOBIOMODULATION HISTORY - It was around this adage that, in the late 19th century, the modern history of photobiology began - BENICHOU MD

SFME 2014 - PHOTOBIOMODULATION HISTORY - It was around this adage that, in the late 19th century, the modern history of photobiology began - BENICHOU MD








"A practice does not need to be enlightened to operate”
It was around this adage that, in the late 19th century, the modern history of photobiology began. The careful empirical work of Danish physician Niels Finsen brought out an astounding therapeutic concept: visible light can penetrate through the skin to treat a variety of inflammatory and infectious diseases.

And so in 1903, Dr. Finsen’s discovery and its application were awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine.

It would be 20 years before we understood from what light is made up and another forty to begin to consider how the energy quantum from which it is composed, that is, the photons, can interact with biological material.

It is the combination of advances in space exploration and cellular and molecular biology that eventually allows us to explore the essential mechanisms of photobiomodulation.

It is the Russian biologist Tiina Karu that highlighted the direct stimulation of the respiratory chain by photons in the red and near infrared.

The base of our practice in photobiology is now finally "enlightened."
However, the answers we’ve discovered over the years yield even more question, numerous and exciting.

It is now on us to continue to “shed light” on this too long ignored relationship between biochemistry and quantum physics.

MD. Luc Benichou

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