Accueil / Comptes rendus / The concept of Photobiomodulation in low level laser therapy:" Little is sometimes more efficient » G. Calderhead, MD

The concept of Photobiomodulation in low level laser therapy:" Little is sometimes more efficient » G. Calderhead, MD

Dear friends


In Monaco, despite the early morning hour (8:30 A.M Friday .April. 4Th), our session won a franc success.: Several speakers provide their stone building this new concept

The bioflexible protocols


Dr Glen Calderhead, from Korea presents a new approach in photobiomodulation: Micro level laser therapy. He provides information about optimum settings healing.


The concept of Photobiomodulation in low level laser therapy: "Little is sometimes more efficient "




Dr. Isabela Tilzer , practices in Warsaw. Her experience on hair growth is quite original and combines broader field of mesotherapy (she works in stress management) with LED illumination .

Mesotherapy and PBM in alopecia treatment


Enhancing platelets properties from PRP, Linda Fouque invites us to develop the non – invasive self-regeneration. Assisted in this process by research laboratories Ashland(Nice)

Led photobiomodulation / / biostimulation by Platelet Rich Plasma


Combine the thermal and non-thermal effect of light was predictable. Pablo Naranjo run in Madrid a strong laser aesthetic unit. He evokes all the possibilities of combining laser procedures with Booster and healing effect of PBM

Bioflexible photorejuvenation:Combined Protocols


Nanotechnology mimic their hallmark on all energy sources; Semiconductors and LEDs , Radiofrequency and microneedles . Those above were made to meet each other

Glen Calderhead exposes us:


Photo activation PBM Led improves the results in microneedling / radiofrequency.


Suzanne Hausdörfer is dermatologist in Brussels. What could be the role of PBM approach in autoimmune diseases? ++++ Tackle a such difficult Topic , The first stone of long series of studies. As part following our beautiful LA session. Inflammation: PBM (Last December in Paris)

Autoimmune diseases and PBM: A new dynamic approach.


Michele Pelletier is dermatologist in Toulon (France ),
The symptomatology is a noticeable and ancestral guide ... Here we unveiled it IWhen more alrge notion that we must keep in mind when we discuss al LLLT .

Treating a lesion with a “Holistic vision”: Photobiomodulable field


Famous Fish Aquarium in Monaco accompanies us throughout the presentations. A guided glittering tour. Punctuated by marine portraits done by our Vice President photographer: Linda Fouque.

Nice promenade…..

Michele Pelletier (President)


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Dans rubrique Compte rendu: Présentation du wébinaire: La prise en charge des MYCOSES UNGUEALES PODALES par M. ALLEGRINI - Journées Form Led Academy Nice 2023: Cycle pilaire" Un dialogue quantique" Dr Pelletier - Les Led Home Devices en 2023: Dr Michèle PELLETIER - La Cicatrisation Photonique et ses avancées Dr PELLETIER - Les principales indications de la PHOTOBIOMODULATION : Dr Dalila OUALI